
Noun is a name. It is a word that names a person, thing, place, feeling or an idea. Noun is divided into seven categories.

Types of Nouns

Abstract Nouns
The nouns of something that we can only think of or feel (with emotions) but cannot see, touch or taste.

  •     Example : friendship, hunger, love, knowledge and childhood
Collective Nouns
Are names used for a number or collection of people, things or animals.

  •     Example : a group of friends, a comb of bananas, a herd of cows

Common Nouns
Are common names of people, things, places or animals. These are not proper names.

  •     Example : car ; man ; building ; country ; subject etc.
Proper Nouns
Are special names for people, things, places or animals. Proper nouns always begin with a capital letter.

  •     Example : Ferrari, Burj Khalifa, England, Mathematics etc.
Countable Nouns
Are things, people or item that CAN be counted. It is a noun with a singular and a plural form.

  •     Example : car/cars, box/boxes, knife/knives
Uncountable Nouns 
Are things that CANNOT be counted. It is always in the singular form.

  •     Example : water, knowledge, childhood, music etc.
Possessive Nouns

    Shows ownership of something. This is when we use the ‘S or the S’.

  •     Example : my father’s car; the ladies’ department; the teacher’s room etc.


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