
Idioms for a good essay

     1.  Flying colors- very easily
  •     Eg: He passed the SPM examination with flying colors
2.  Spill the beans/ spill the tea- to tell secret information

  •     Eg: Arianna afraid to tell her secret to Nadiah because she always spill the beans
3.  Curiosity killed the cat- said to warn someone not to ask too many questions about something
  •     Eg: Don’t ask about his divorce because curiosity killed the cat

4.  Jump on the bandwagon- following the trend
  •     Eg: So many people are trying to quit smoking that I might as well jump on the bandwagon and quit as well
5.  On cloud nine- very happy
  •     Eg: He was on cloud nine after his wife had the baby.
Time is money- work quickly/ precious

  •     Eg: I must remind him that time is money.


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