
Showing posts from September, 2019


Idioms for a good essay       1.  Flying colors- very easily     Eg: He passed the SPM examination with flying colors 2.    Spill the beans/ spill the tea- to tell secret information     Eg: Arianna afraid to tell her secret to Nadiah because she always spill the beans 3.    Curiosity killed the cat- said to warn someone not to ask too many questions about something     Eg: Don’t ask about his divorce because curiosity killed the cat 4.    Jump on the bandwagon- following the trend     Eg: So many people are trying to quit smoking that I might as well jump on the bandwagon and quit as well 5.    On cloud nine- very happy     Eg: He was on cloud nine after his wife had the baby. 6.    Time is money- work quickly/ precious     Eg: I must remind him that time is money.


     Used to show time, location, space and direction Preposition of time Preposition of location Preposition of motion and direction     Example : above, about, beside, along, around, beyond, except, inside, into, near, since, towards, beneath and etc   A preposition comes before a noun and before pronoun (him, her, which, them, etc)     The words after a preposition said to be “object of the preposition”               Example :                    1)  The internet is  for  research.           The preposition “for” shows the relationship between “internet” and “research”                     2) The cat ran  under  the car.     The words “the car” are the object of the preposition “under”                     3 ) It is her behavior I will not put  up with .           This example ends in two preposition : “up” and “with”.    


         Words that describe or modify other words.   Adjectives is divided into six categories. 1.Articles   There are only three articles and all of them are adjectives: a, an and the.They used to discuss non-specific things and people.      'A' and 'An' are called indefinite articles.         'The' is called the definite article. It is used to indicate very specific people or things.      2.Common Adjectives      Describe nouns or pronouns in a general way.       Example: new building, old car, handsome man 3. Demonstrative Adjectives       Demonstrative Adjectives are used to indicate or demonstrate specific people, animals or   things.       Example: This is my book.                          These books are all mine.                 That café looks good.                Those are my keys. 4.Proper Adjectives      Derived from proper nouns and begin with Capital letters.       Example:


Noun is a name. It is a word that names a person, thing, place, feeling or an idea.  Noun is divided into seven categories. Types of Nouns Abstract Nouns The nouns of something that we can only think of or feel (with emotions) but cannot see, touch or taste.      Example : friendship, hunger, love, knowledge and childhood Collective Nouns Are names used for a number or collection of people, things or animals.     Example : a group of friends, a comb of bananas, a herd of cows Common Nouns Are common names of people, things, places or animals. These are not proper names.      Example : car ; man ; building ; country ; subject etc. Proper Nouns Are special names for people, things, places or animals. Proper nouns always begin with a capital letter.      Example : Ferrari, Burj Khalifa, England, Mathematics etc. Countable Nouns Are things, people or item that CAN be counted. It is a noun with a singular and a plural form.      Example : car/cars, bo


Do you feel insecure, anxious and doubtful about your grammar? Here is some notes about grammar!! So Hi and Assalamualaikum to all of our viewers. The purpose of us writing this blog is to give more information and to make all of our readers understand more clearly about grammar and how actually easy is English. We hope that all of you enjoy this blog and hopefully by reading this notes, this can make you improve more about your grammar. Enjoy, love waqistintan                                                                                                                💖💖GRAMMAR💖💖 From left: Intan, Wawa, Fatin & Balqis